Collaborative Technology + WebXR
10+ years of experience as a full-stack web developer. Building applications, libraries, and communities focused
on online collaboration. Focusing on virtual and augmented reality projects that enable new modes of thinking and collaborative work.
React, Three.js, Babylon.js, WebGL, JavaScript, WebXR, GraphQL, Node.js, PostgreSQL, leading globally distributed open source projects, building communities, generating consensus,
project & business management
Senior 3D Graphics Engineer, FRAME
Building the technology supporting a web-based multiplayer environment, focusing on advanced 3D features (SDF text rendering, high resolution world terrain rendering, shader-based visual effects) and performance (profiling and optimizing using large scale bot tests, rendering optimizations) to support a product that is rapidly scaling.
Exploring the effects of virtual spaces on cognition. Three VR-focused solo projects:
- Wooglies (read more
— explores the state of online collaboration tech: multiplayer snapshot interpolation, reliable mesh
WebRTC connections, positional audio, WebXR, audio reactivity).
- Shaderworlds (read more — a growing collection of stunning fragment
shaders, adapted for WebXR).
- Aframe-blink-controls (read more — plug and play component
providing teleportation with rotation and snap turning).
Lead Developer, Collaborative Knowledge Foundation
Started and maintained the foundation’s biggest software project (PubSweet — a framework for building
publishing applications) and its community, both online/remotely and through regular in-person community
meetings, where I facilitated technical discussions and generated consensus among diverse organizations.
Engineer, PLOS
2014–2015, San Francisco
Document conversion. Bringing scientific manuscripts to the web. Integrated metrics visualization using D3.js.
CTO, Modra Jagoda
2011–2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Co-founded a mobile app startup providing information to healthcare professionals. Head developer & managing a small technical team.
The company continues to grow and now employs more than 60 people in 4 countries and serves medical information
to 150,000 registered doctors in 8 countries.
Software Engineer,
2012–2013, San Francisco
Worked remotely and on-site as a full-stack (frontend, backend, sysops) software engineer in a small team
(3–6 people), as the company grew from 700,000 to 4 million users.
Doctor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jure Triglav s.p., Ljubljana. VAT: SI61732923.